Shabbos Chol HaMoed Pesach (5771)


Shabbos Chol HaMoed Pesach (5771)

by Mordechai Dolinsky

The most awesome and challenging aspect of the Seder is the obligation for one to feel as if he himself was redeemed from Mitzrayim.  The true meaning of this is that it is literally true, the fact that he is “out” is only because there is a personalized Will of Hashem and no other factor.

Have a wonderful and significant Shabbos.


Parshas Acharai (5771)


Parshas Acharai (5771)

by Mordechai Dolinsky

The reverence of going into the Kodshei Kodshim is on account of the great intensity of the Shechina there.  Many issues came out from this including the guilt of the sons of Aharon.  It boils down to the realization of the awesome intensity the Creator of the world has to us and the true realization of this has infinite implications.

On Shabbos we receive the energy, power and tools that are needed for the week that follows.  Before us we have the night of 15 Nissan, the commemoration of the most open and clear demonstration of Hashem’s supreme control and Kingship.  This is the ultimate nourishment of the faith and belief we must live with to understand and fulfill His Will.  This Shabbos HaGadol is that awesome Shabbos.

Have a fulfilling, inspiring, joyous and wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Metzorah (5771)


Parshas Metzorah (5771)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The awesome golden treasure that was waiting to be revealed by the negah habayis was hidden there davka during the forty years of Klal Yisroel’s intensive dedicated learning of the Torah in the desert. This was to teach us that the learning of Torah brings for us the greatest materialistic blessings besides eternal reward.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Tazria (5771)


Parshas Tazria (5771)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Tumas halaida and tumas hatzoraas we don’t understand but everything in the Torah is given for us to learn from. We must attempt to learn some lesson.

Parshas HaChodesh; preparing for the awesome Pesach, reviewing the lessons of the makos and kriyas Yam Suf, learning the Hagaddah and halachos.

Mechikas Amalek—to deal with the irrationality we see in others and to be aware of the irrationality that we are guilty of.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Shmini (5771)


Parshas Shmini (5771)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

On Shabbos we “lift” the avoda of the week. One of the vital lessons of the Megilah is that there was no question that Esther being chosen by Achashveirosh was a great personal tragedy and one for Klal Yisroel. The solution could have been solved by allowing Bigsan and Seresh to do their “work” and eliminate the king, clean cut. Mordechai abstained because of the Will of Hashem that came through his siyata di”shmaya, the wisdom to relay the information to the king. He was repaid for his obedience that the whole salvation came about by the Hashgacha of the sleepless night and the book of zichronos. The lesson being how much we in these difficult times have to be obedient to our Torah leadership and pray to Hashem that we have the leaders.

There is an awesome chizuk in emuna from the parsha that we find in the Torah. The fact is that the Torah knows the only four animals that only have one sign of kashrus after the discovery of countless new specimens. Also the intricate insight to the animal’s anatomy which was understood by secular wisdom relatively recently. Thinking deeply into this is inspiring and enlightening.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Purim (5771)


PURIM (5771)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The ‘takana’ of having two separate individual days of the PURIM celebration, 14 and 15 Adar, seem to be contradictory to the very important principle of ‘lo sisgogdedu’; not to make separate groups in Klal Yisroel.

The simple explanation of Esther requesting an additional day of vengeance in Shushan was to eradicate more enemies. To understand this more clearly we must know that the dreadful wickedness of Haman and Amalek is an awesomely wicked ideal and goal to harm Klal Yisroel for no reason whatsoever. To realize and to carry out the above they must have the cooperation and support of the general populace. Even more important is the leadership; the brains and the head to carry out this atrocity. The celebration on the 14th is to commemorate with praise and joy the great miracle that we were able to overcome the populace with their wicked plan. However, the head, the brains, were still intact and needed a miracle of a different nature to go into the core of the tumah and atrocity.

The Zohar at the beginning of Parshas Bo relates that Moshe Rabeinu couldn’t combat a wicked spiritual snake that he had to conquer before confronting Pharaoh. The Zohar then relates something deep and difficult to understand – that Hashem Himself had to go in and combat this tumah.

We don’t understand the awesomeness of the miracle granted to us by the victory in Shushan which was the head and needed a different and greater miracle. Haman’s claim against us was that we were a separate nation lacking ‘achdus’. The spiritual victory needed to conquer Shushan was to achieve a great state of Ahavas Yisroel. We had to go in deep and destroy the ‘head’ just as Hashem Himself had to fight the deep evil of Pharaoh.

They accused us of ‘pirud’, to reveal the depth needed to break the ‘kitrug’ of ‘pirud’ the Chazal took pirud into kedusha and made a yom tov with the essence of pirud – Did you ever wonder why it is called Purim-plural—there was only one pur, one lottery; two separate Purims for the two separate miracles. It is clear now why we celebrate with Mishloach Manos and Matanos L’Aniyiim – pure acts of ahavas Yisroel and achdus; and wine – the great breaker of barriers between people – and a creator of kiruv levavos.

We should be zocheh to break the essence of Amalek through ahavas hasheni; true warmth, consideration, understanding, coping and care. Have a meaningful Purim full of true simcha.

Parshas Tzav – Zachor (5771)


Parshas Tzav-Zachor (5771)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The essence of Amalek has become so clear, obvious and over powering
in the present times. “Asher Korcha”—coldness; a callousness and lack of real personal connection to all our relationships. Timche es zecher Amalek—break the barriers and connect to all our Yiddishe neshamos.

Parshas Vayikra (5771)


Parshas Vayikra (5771)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Rashi (1:1) reveals the contrast of HASHEM’S warm and endearing communication to Moshe Rabeinu with the very negative means of communication to the gentile prophets. The idea of Hashem’s negative communication seems to be contrary to the ideal that one should always maintain a proper and positive communication as it says in Pirkei Avos: Al tihi boz l’chol Adam. With great scrutiny to the words of Rashi he actually says “nigla aleihem”; the manner of how He revealed Himself to them. “Aroi”—not something to His true interest; “tumah”—Hashem kavyachol felt Himself defiled by having to do so. This is to the contrast of Moshe Rabeinu the positivity expressed itself in the essence of introducing His revelation by a call of endearment. This changes the whole picture of the Chazal with the important lesson of how we express our interest in the relationship.

Have a wonderful and simchadike Shabbos.