Parshas Vayigash (5771)


Parshas Vayigash (5771)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Yehuda’s speech to Yosef was clear, to the point, crystallizing the truth and devarim yotzim min halev.

The idea now is to hold on to the lesson of Chanukah that Hashem revealed Himself through the miracle of the lights that He is here and in control; something which He rarely demonstrates.  Klal Yisroel earned this through their great commitment to Him and to the Torah.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Mikaitz (5771)


Parshas Mikaitz (5771)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

The celebration of Chanukah is not for the miracle of the extension of the light of the Menorah and not for the victory of the physical battle but for the supreme commitment for the inspiration to fulfill the will of Hashem.  In this zechus Hashem showed His Countenance by the revelation of the great Divine light which is manifested in the lights of the Menorah.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and a significant and happy Chanukah.

Parshas Vayeishev (5771)


Parshas Vayeishev (5771)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

It was always difficult to understand Yosef’s mission to his brothers.  He knew the hatred they had and when he couldn’t find them he kept searching!!  Then the insight came –“…he was rectifying the default in the brotherly relationship by his negative reports to his father concerning them.  He was demonstrating his remorse by putting his life on the line; as it actually turned out.

Being sensitive to feeling for others, especially for relatives, is a top priority.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Vayishlach (5771)


Parshas Vayishlach (5771)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

In our parsha, when Yaakov was informed that Esav’s army was approaching he immediately split up his camps, preparing the escape; then he was mispalel.  Shouldn’t the tefila come first?  Rashi (32:9) explains that “preparing for warfare” is manifested in splitting the camps for escape.  How is running away preparing for warfare?

The Vilna Gaon explains that in the war that Klal Yisroel conducted in conquering Eretz Yisroel they used their swords against the enemy not by physical combat but rather by just pointing to them and thinking all kinds of tefilos.  It would follow that Yaakov Avinu who was on a much higher level fighting with Esav would do the same, even without the swords.  But having to make some hishtadlus it was manifested in the most subtle way possible, just by preparing for escape.  This explains why it preceded tefila, since it demonstrated the epitome of bitachon.

We should all be worthy of closeness to Hashem and to fulfill His Will.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Vayeira (5771)


Parshas Vayeira (5771)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

One of the most puzzling, astonishing difficulties in the Chumash we find in our parsha—Vayigash Avraham (18:23)—Rashi explains–lidaber koshos—in conjunction with the meaning –“lamilchama”; to speak harshly with HaKasdosh Baruch Hu?  We see that Hashem wants us to relate to Him in a realistic, meaningful way.  How this applies to each and every one of us must be studied.  But Hashem wants the relationship.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Toldos (5771)


Parshas Toldos (5771)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

(25:25) Rashi explains that Esav’s redness of skin was his leaning towards bloodshed.  It was, however, covered up by his wool-like hair; hair which is symbolic of a façade.  This perhaps is why they did not call him Edom for his redness because it was hidden.  The hair itself represents a certain false, charismatic front which always presents a test for Klal Yisroel not to follow its tempting appeal.

Hashem should help us not to fall into this trap of disillusionment and to look up to admire true Torah greatness.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and Good Chodesh.

Parshas Chayei Sara (5771)


Parshas Chayei Sara (5771)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Rashi in the beginning of the parsha explains that the pasuk points out that when Sara was 100 she was still clear and clean from “chet”.  What could she have been guilty of?  How much we must be sensitive to fall into wrongdoing.  Avraham refused to let Yitzchok go to Lavan despite how critical it was for the building of Klal Yisroel, not to be in a sinful environment.  How much care we must take today living in a low level society and civilization.  The reward for keeping above is awesome.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Lech Lecha (5771)


Parshas Lech Lecha (5771)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The matter of brochos where things are blessed and increased we see is of the highest priority since it was the first matter Hashem addressed to Avraham Avinu.

Avraham’s sole ideal and purpose was to spread the truth of Hashem.  We, the sole followers in his footsteps must always bear in mind that this is our most vital ideal and purpose, to spread the truth every opportunity and situation Hashem gives us.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Bereishis (5771)


Parshas Bereishis (5771)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The snake was a creature without a backbone; he had a philosophy to take each situation and deal with it as it comes, to twist and maneuver.  Adam was created with a backbone; to have a structure, a certain regimentation.  There are times when we must bend and manipulate our spine as symbolized in the lulav which represents the spine and we shake it and bend it.  The ben-adam must have a framework—derech eretz kadma laTorah.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Shabbos Chol HaMoed Succos (5771)


Shabbos Chol HaMoed Succos (5771)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The reference to the regalim in Shmone Esray—Chag HaMatzos, zman cherusainu, Chag Shavuos zman matan Toraseinu; the parallel should be Chag Succos and the appropriate miracle which was the cause of the Yom Tov. Instead it puzzlingly says zman simchaseinu. The simcha obviously is the cause of the Yom Tov. The open demonstration of Hashem was so strong that it dominated the physical aspect of the miracle. Hashem’s showing Himself openly is the biggest simcha. Thus, the simcha is the actual cause of the Yom Tov.

Remember in the Succah to relate to the Shchina which is manifested in the Schach and to feel Hashem’s love for us and His constant concern and great kindness.

Have a joyous and meaningful Shabbos.