Parshas Shoftim (5768)


Parshas Shoftim (5768)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The close proximity of the words Shoftim and Shotrim in our parsha is conventionally understood that the Shotrim would see to it that the decision of the judiciary is carried out. A new perspective is the reverse—the Shotrim assist the shoftim, meaning that the awareness that the shotrim are there and ready gives a more serious approach to the shoftim thereby entitling one to more of a unique, Divine assistance and clarity to the verdict. This serves as a life lesson that in our journey of searching for the truth if we undertake serious commitment to carry out our findings we will be guided on a higher plane.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Re’ay (5768)


Parshas Re’ay (5768)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Perhaps we can explain the difference between the false prophet discussed in 13:2 in our sedra who was guilty of attempting to mislead from serving Hashem and the one in pasuk 7 who is likewise guilty of the same attrocity.

The first, bases his power of persuasion on false prophesies claiming to have a connection with some “higher source” to the contrast of the latter who takes advantage of one of the most valuable Heavenly gifts of relatives; family connections or the very precious Divine blessing of the true, close, dear friend to sway one from his belief, commitment and devotion in fulfilling the will of Hashem.

This Shabbos should bring bracha to this important month to lead to a wonderful New Year,

Have wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Aikev (5768)

Parshas Aikev (5768)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

In our parsha (11:13) we have one of the most profound principles of such paramount importance that we are required to review and verbalize it twice daily. “Vihaya im … tishmaoo el mitzvosai … viosafta deganecha … that by the fulfillment of the Torah, Hashem promises success and happiness in this world.

The long list of falsifiers in the history of the world never take a stand for success or punishment to be carried out in this world; just empty promises of fantasies in other existences.

Only Hashem, our True Creator, has taken this open stand and always has fulfilled it in every way. Let us be inspired by this most basic principle and let it lead us to make a most sincere commitment to fulfill His Will.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Voeschanan (5768)


Parshas Voeschanan (5768)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The parsha opens with the emotional petitioning of Moshe Rabeinu for the releasing of the ban of his coming to Eretz Yisroel. Moshe Rabeinu asked for a gift rather than being granted his request on the basis of his own merits. It is interesting to speculate whether he could have possibly achieved his goal on the basis of his own merits.

How can we possibly comprehend the connection between Moshe Rabeinu’s punishment of not being able to enter Eretz Yisroel and his hitting of the stone? In the incident of “mai merivah” Moshe was under the impression that he was acting not upon the “special stone” but rather on an undesignated stone, which had its drawback. On the other hand this offers a possible potential of an opportunity of creating a unique fulfillment.

Moshe Rabeinu, our greatest leader and teacher, not entering Eretz Yisroel in reality is appointed to teach a supreme lesson that despite not entering Eretz Yisroel the place designated for spiritual achievement, he can attain great spiritual heights.

Moshe Rabeinu, you chose to act upon the undesignated stone, now you are appointed to teach this lesson for eternity to Klal Yisroel, that one must aim to achieve spiritual heights despite not having the availability of that place which was specifically ordained for that purpose. Accordingly all through the millennia of the dark galus there rose in Klal Yisroel giants in every area of avodas Hashem; a meaningful lesson for us.

Hashem should give us the ultimate of consolation by ending this galus through the coming of Moshiach. Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Devorim (5768)


Parshas Devorim (5768)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The Medrash (1:9) in our parsha quotes a Chazal promising a special bracha for receiving tochacha. The simple or conventional meaning of this is that the acceptance of rebuke is a commendable act that deserves a special blessing.

A deeper understanding of this is the reality that it is a truly difficult ordeal for one to really accept being rebuked. For one to accomplish this he must humble himself and put down his self respect and self honor. If he has succeeded in this herculean ordeal he will certainly need and deserve a special bracha for his battered self-image to be rightfully restored.

We hope and pray that Hashem should end this long galus with the speedy experience of the coming of Moshiach.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Masei (5768)


Parshas Masei (5768)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Rashi (33:1) brings a parable in the Chumash’s account of the encampments of a king reminiscing with his son about the ordeal of their travels in bringing him for help in the need of medical assistance. In doing so he recalled the various experiences of suffering, problems, trials and tribulations they endured on the many stop offs in their trip. This would mean in terms of the parable that our encampments in the desert had significance towards the improvement of our spiritual shortcomings.

In this framework the significance and concept of the camp is the withdrawal from the normal preoccupations of the regular movement of life. This would mean taking time to give serious thought and evaluation of the issue that needs to be overhauled or fine-tuned and down to earth, practical, realistic plan of action.

The journey itself signifies ready to go forward, full of optimism and the commitment for serious change and to see things in a different, efficient perspective. Our own spiritual journeys should lead us to the spiritual heights and perfection we yearn for.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and a month of speedy redemption for Klal Yisroel.

Parshas Matos (5768)


Parshas Matos (5768)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

From the manner of presentation of the Chumash of the subject of nedarim in a way of showing its prominence and detailed elaboration we can see how vital a matter it is.

What is so unique and outstanding about this that it deserves a special spotlight? Since we don’t practice making nedarim currently because of the fear that we might fall short in fulfilling it we aren’t sufficiently educated to appreciate and understand the function and great benefit of nedarim. By understanding this properly we can derive a perspective that can be of great assistance to our Torah fulfillment today even though we don’t have the nedarim.

The main purpose of the neder is to make something which was permissible, forbidden; to create a distance for ourselves from the actual aveira or the bare border of the fulfillment of the mitzvah. The structure of our Avodas Hashem is such that the main thrust of our ability to stand up to our tests is by the creation and keeping of this distance. The Gemarra strongly criticizes an individual who had an option of avoiding a tempting circumstance but nevertheless put himself in the place of temptation, even though he was able to stand up to the “test” with “flying colors.

So often we fail to live up to the Torah’s demands and requirements and come down sharply on ourselves unjustifiably; for the real guilt was our failure to remove ourselves from this battlefield which could have been relatively easy and accessible to our capabilities.

We don’t have nedarim today but its lesson of keeping our distance calls out loud and clear!! Nelech v’natzliach.

Hashem should put an end to our long galus through the coming of Moshiach. Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Pinchas (5768)


Parshas Pinchas (5768)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

Rashi in our sedra quotes a Chazal(26:5) that when Klal Yisroel were engaged in establishing the various lineages of the Shvatim the gentiles attempted to lower the esteem and degrade Klal Yisroel by attempting to create a false image that when we were subjected to slavery in Egypt just as the men were tortured likewise the women were abused by the Egyptian men. Thus, they tried to make our establishing of lineage a farce. Therefore Hashem testified to their pureness by placing a “hai” and a “yud” respectively before and after their names.

How can this effectively combat their false accusation? Chazal teach that a name has a definite imprint on the makeup of a person. An individual who carries “yud-kay” on his name will definitely be affected by this imprint.

The famous quote – if Darwin had seen a certain tzaddik he would never have theorized his stupidity as to man’s origin and ancestry.

By placing His name on us Hashem has placed in us awesome greatness. Let’s bring it out. Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Balak (5768)


Parshas Balak (5768)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Upon contemplating the epidsode of Bilaam and Balak the degree of their general mentality of spiritual consciousness is amazing. They relate to it as a true reality. This can be said for all who lived in that generation and many generations to follow, Bnei Yisroel and gentiles alike. This is indeed a tool and stepping stone to enable one to understand and achieve a closeness to Hashem.

Contemporarily, and likewise in the recent past generations the sensitivity of recognition of the world of ‘ruchnius’, including the appreciation and significance of giving and receiving brachos has greatly diminished and is almost non-existent. This was probably caused by the great industrial revolution and advancement in research and science, the invention of the microscope, and secrets discovered by x-rays. Everything has to be ‘real’ and to be able to be measured, seen and felt. We have been raised in a generation that many of the true spiritual concepts were uprooted and were labeled superstitious and the blindness of the dark and middle ages; it is the “seeing is believing” age.

Bilaam and company definitely fell into the depths of wickedness but his generation had so much going for them for great spiritual capacities. They had their test and failed. The test of our generation is reinstating the sensory perception of true spiritual values and feelings. This is imperative to truly serving Hashem and keeping His Torah. The key to this is learning certain sifrei mussar and chasidus.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and a true kirvas Hashem.

Parshas Chukas (5768)


Parshas Chukas (5768)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

After the passing of Miriam, Klal Yisrael was lacking water. The miracle that they had the supply in the desert was earned by their high level of emunah. They were falling towards materialism as we can see in their expression of complaint: “We and our animals…”.

The episode of the “mai merivah” was intended to raise their level of belief that the water comes only from Hashem and it can, for that same reason, emerge from a stone. “He who said that oil should burn can do the same to vinegar”.

We must likewise always strengthen our belief in this great foundation.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and a fulfilling, uplifting Chodesh.