Parshas Re’ay (5766)


Parshas Re’ay (5766)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Very appropro is parshas Re’ay for this Shabbos mevorchim which sheds its bracha on Elul, which shed its bracha on Rosh Hashana and the year of 5767 habo aleinu litova. Re’ay in its pure simplicity is the key to everything. The Medrash in our parsha (4:4) alludes to the invisible multitude of harmful creatures that constantly surround us.

Parshas Eikev (5766)


Parshas Eikev (5766)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

The Medrash (3:5) in our parsha cites an episode of R’ Shimon ben Shetach with an extreme example of monetary consideration and concern regarding a gentile. It opens our eyes to the trust we should have in Hashem–that we can surely rely on Him for His promises for reward.

One way of understanding this is that the only way R’ Shimon ben Shetach could have had this character and behavior is that he had the nefesh Elokis within him.

A new insight might be that Hashem implanted this behavior of extreme consideration in humans to demonstrate to us to observe a concrete perception of this behavior in order to attribute it likewise to Hashem.

Every day let us be mispalel and learn for the zechus of the extremely dangerous matzav Klal Yisroel is going through presently.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Voeschanan (5766)


Parshas Voeschanan (5766)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The most important and significant of the Tisha B’Av Kinos is number eleven and it starts “Eicha Eli Konenu Me’ailav” ordained by Yirmiyahu HaNavi himself, lamenting the passing of Yoshiyahu HaMelech who fell into the hands of the Egyptian king Pharoh Necho while attempting to prevent him from passing through Eretz Yisroel. Yoshiyahu had successfully turned Klal Yisroel to HASHEM with inspiration compatible to Moshe Rabeinu. This teshuva truly merited victory over Pharoh Necho he reasoned. However, he got a red light from Yirmiyahu HaNavi, not knowing that secret pockets of avoda zara were hidden from him. The Navi said no.

Yoshiyahu wanted so much to make a Kiddush Hashem and demonstrate that the great teshuva would bring a huge victory. But the Navi said no. What a tragedy. Had this great king lived he could have saved Klal Yisroel from the Churban if he had he listened to the Navi. We must always obey our leaders.

Our Tisha B’Av tears, present and throughout the generations, of yearning for the Bais HaMikdash and the geula, helped to repair the damage of the uncalled for tears at the warped report of the spies.
On Shabbos our avoda of the week goes up. Our cries and tears should arise and bring the geula sh’layma.

We should “hold on” to the elevation we achieved during this inspiring period of the three weeks and not lose it through vacation and light-hearted levity. It should inspire our Elul to bring hatzala and yeshua to all Klal Yisroel

Have a wonderful Shabbos Nachamu.

Parshas Devorim (5766)


Parshas Devorim (5766)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

We are now living in the period the Chumash refers to as having the “lev even”, the heart of stone, which we can all testify to. It is essential to recognize this in order not to be broken and feel helpless that our capabilities to relate to the Churban are beyond our emotions. Likewise, the suffering of our forefathers at the hands of the crusaders and other gentile viciousness throughout the generations, including the recent holocaust, and the current suffering in northern Eretz Yisroel.

The epitome of the contrast of this we find in a Medrash in our parsha that Moshe Rabeinu at the ‘maaseh aigel’ in order to alleviate the guilt of Klal Yisroel, exclaims to Hashem that He now has at His accessability the aigel to help Him with His various chores of keeping up the world, trying to give the false impression that he, too, was guilty of attributing power to the aigel. Moshe Rabeinu tried to give the impression that he was a heretic, for the sake of Klal Yisroel!!

The Medrash relates that Moshe was healed from his speech defect by his connection with the Torah. This is because the Torah is a source of life to the whole creation and therefore rectifies and rejuvenates any defects. This is surely a period of history when we should cling to the Torah.

Have a meaningful Tisha B’Av however it will manifest itself this year, a wonderful Shabbos, and salvation for all.

Parshas Matos – Masai (5766)


Parshas Matos – Masai (5766)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The current situation calls for our strengthening in the perceiving of the all encompassing presence of Hashem in a high level of reality. This, the Nefesh HaChayim reveals, is a tool for survival in all situations of any kind of danger.

The current events call out for the general upgrading of our spiritual level.

The present period of ‘bein hametzorim’ and the current events cry out for the yearning that the Kovod Shomayim and the Kingdom of Hashem be reinstated and recognized by the entire universe.

Have a wonderful, meaningful Shabbos, and a month of redemption.

Parshas Pinchas (5766)


Parshas Pinchas (5766)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

Pinchas was rewarded by Hashem with kahuna for his heroic act. Rashi explains that it was a sign of love that Hashem exhibited to him for the love he demonstrated to Hashem.

This awakens us to strengthen this most vital basic area of avodas Hashem, to demonstrate our love to Him, and to reinstate the practice to devote time daily to have an intimate heart-to-heart “talk” with Hashem in privacy. This was practiced by all groups in KLAL Yisroel all through our history. The Chofetz Chayim devoted two and a half hours daily for his expression of intimacy with Hashem.

Through our expression and demonstration of closeness to Hashem, He will surely reciprocate by bringing a great salvation for all our needs, especially in these troubled times.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Balak (5766)


Parshas Balak (5766)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

Bilaam, through the auspices of his Divine inspiration, praised Klal Yisroel specifically for their modesty. “Mah Tovu Oholecha Yaakov”. Likewise, the Medrash in our parsha (20:22) reflects the idea that one of the four attributes of Klal Yisroel responsible for their redemption from Mitzrayim was the modesty on the part of the women.

What a meaningful, significant message for us today, steeped in a society callous to even the most basic values of feminine modesty. This is not the framework for elaboration on this vital issue but it is so imperative for us idealists representing the Will and Glory of Hashem in this generation, to comprehend and fulfill.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Chukas (5766)


Parshas Chukas (5766)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

The Medrash in our parsha quotes a famous Chazal (19:4)—Hashem in His modesty consulted with the malachim concerning the creation of man. Having a negativity towards Hashem’s plan, Hashem declared that man is superior to them. Lining up all the creatures of the world they failed to fulfill Hashem’s request to give them their appropriate names; to the contrast of man who successfully gave them all their correct names.

Why did Hashem select this particular outstanding trait to demonstrate man’s greatness and why was he able to accomplish this despite the intellectual superiority which the malachim possess?

The Chazal revealed that man contains the traits of everything in the Creation, including the vicious crocodile, the wild buffalo, the poisonous cobra and scorpion. When Chazal demand of us to have the strength of the lion and the swiftness of the deer, and the diligence of an ant, it is because we actually contain their characteristics. We are capable of identifying with all the creatures since we are made up of their characteristics.

Hashem is explaining to the malachim—look at this creation of man that contains all of the animalistic qualities and yet has control. My great nachas, says Hashem.

We should all be worthy of practicing control over our animalistic traits in this period of darkness before the coming of Mashiach and give nachas to our Creator.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Korach (5766)


Parshas Korach (5766)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

Korach’s greatest wickedness was his machlokes with Moshe Rabeinu. Having a difference of opinion; debating, arguing and engaging in intensive verbal conflict can be very positive. In the Torah world, which is the highest, holiest and most important reoccupation, this is done constantly. Sholom, peace, is not the absence of disagreement but rather dealing with the conflict properly. Machlokes is when the conflict gives birth to a kind of “war” mode and the “issue” which was the cause of the original disagreement fades into the background.

The machlokes then becomes an end in itself, with irrational, obnoxious behavior with hatred and animosity. The baalei machlokes then use an arsenal of assorted tactics designed to hurt the other side, emotionally, financially and physically.

So much strength and effort must be exerted not to fall into this when standing up for our principles.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Shlach (5766)


Parshas Shlach (5766)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Hashem Himself promises absolute success in acquiring Eretz Yisroel and conquering it from the 7 nations. Yet, Klal Yisroel finds it necessary to send military spies.

This is all taking place while Hashem is sustaining them miraculously in the desert. How can we understand this; is there any rational comprehendible thought process?

Perhaps it is the human need to be “in control” or just the doings of the yetzer hara.

Hashem, the Creator of the world, our Best Friend, commits Himself and reassures us completely; attach yourself to Him, it’s your best bet.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.