Parshas Chukas (5766)
By Mordechai Dolinsky
The Medrash in our parsha quotes a famous Chazal (19:4)—Hashem in His modesty consulted with the malachim concerning the creation of man. Having a negativity towards Hashem’s plan, Hashem declared that man is superior to them. Lining up all the creatures of the world they failed to fulfill Hashem’s request to give them their appropriate names; to the contrast of man who successfully gave them all their correct names.
Why did Hashem select this particular outstanding trait to demonstrate man’s greatness and why was he able to accomplish this despite the intellectual superiority which the malachim possess?
The Chazal revealed that man contains the traits of everything in the Creation, including the vicious crocodile, the wild buffalo, the poisonous cobra and scorpion. When Chazal demand of us to have the strength of the lion and the swiftness of the deer, and the diligence of an ant, it is because we actually contain their characteristics. We are capable of identifying with all the creatures since we are made up of their characteristics.
Hashem is explaining to the malachim—look at this creation of man that contains all of the animalistic qualities and yet has control. My great nachas, says Hashem.
We should all be worthy of practicing control over our animalistic traits in this period of darkness before the coming of Mashiach and give nachas to our Creator.
Have a wonderful Shabbos.
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