Parshas Vo’eschanan (5763)


Parshas Vo’eschanan (5763)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

What ever we manage to gain from Bein HaMetzorim and Tisha B’Av despite the “lev even”—heart of stone, let us utilize to crystallize what we have to rectify and to revitalize our goals and life accomplishments. It is amazing that parshas Vo’eschanan is filled with the foundations of everything we stand for and have to accomplish. The fulfillment of the Torah is beautiful. If we are ever disappointed in it is a result of the lack of our consistency in its fulfillment—as is related in Rashi 4:9.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Aikev (5763)


Parshas Aikev (5763)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

The Medrash in this week’s sedra (3:3) focuses on unique, outstanding acts of individuals that the only way they can be understood is that they are a reflection of the “nefesh Elokis”—the Godly soul. We should use these opportunities of observing these very special people to strengthen our emuna, our belief, and our insight into Elokus.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Devorim (5763)


Parshas Devorim (5763)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

The Medrash (1:21) in our parsha gives us a clarity and understanding why the black cloud of mourning is lifted on this Shabbos. Shabbos is compared to a king and queen in a private, intimate meeting which is above the churban. This also rejuvenates our appreciation of the Shabbos.

Hashem should overhaul these days of sadness and mourning to happiness through the geula sh’layma.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Pinchas (5763)


Parshas Pinchas (5763)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The first Medrash in our parsha points out the greatness of sholom that Pinchas received as a reward for his outstanding taking up for the honor of Shamayim. Chazal point out the large range that we are involved in relating to sholom.

Sholom is a state that we have to create despite the many obstacles of many personality conflicts. It is very apropo that the medrashs that follows points out the many different personality types that we have to deal with.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Noach (5763)


Parshas Noach (5763)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

One of the most striking Chazal Rashi quotes in the entire Chumash is in our Parsha (11:9): the atrocities of dor Haflaga were much greater than of the generation of Noach since it tampered with their belief in Hashem.  But since there was true love and friendship between them they weren’t destroyed.

The more one gains insight into the true will of Hashem the more it is apparent that the greatest priority to Hashem is our consideration and relationships with our fellow man.  This is an area we are constantly put to test with; dealing and putting up with the idiosyncrasies of our human contact, to actuate our real love and consideration to all.

Have a lovely Shabbos.

Parshas Bereish (5763)


Parshas Bereish (5763)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The fact that this is called Shabbos Bereishis is unique and has special significance.  No other parsha  has a shabbos named in it’s honor.  Perhaps we can say that the parsha connects with the whole purpose of Shabbos, a celebration and recognition of Hashem, the Creator.

Rav Miller zt”l asked:  Every great miracle has a holiday to commemorate it.  What is the Yom tov of Brias HaOlam?  He explains that there are 52 Yomim Tovim, every Shabbos is a commemoration of Bereishis.  So this week of the Parsha Bereishis certainly deserves special notation.

It reminds and inspires us to focus the seuda as a party in honor of Hashem the Creator.  It is important to keep in perspecdtive the Chazal that Rashi quotes that the Creation was for Clal Yisroel and the Torah.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Zos HaBracha-Simchas Torah (5763)


Zos HaBracha-Simchas Torah (5763)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

“Vizorach Misaier Lamo”—Rashi quotes the Chazal of the offer from Hashem to bnei Esav and Yishmael for the Torah and their refusal.  Elsewhere is explained their objections were the commandments against murder and theft.  R’ Chayim Volozhin sharply points out that it wasn’t just a cold refusal but rather these commandments interfered with their respective means of livelihood.  He then points out how much care must be taken on our part not to be negligent in our obligations to the Torah with the rationalization that it is interfering with our parnassa, for it would chas v’shalom echo the voices of Yishmael and Esav.

This is a very timely message for the time that we are rejoicing with the Torah.

Have a lovely Shabbos, a joyous Yom Tov and a wonderful year.

Succos (5763)


Succos (5763)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Succos as all the Yomim Tovim has many beautiful aspects that bring us a lot of joy.  The Yom Tov also was intended to provide us with a spiritual nourishment essential for our spiritual diet.  This is crucial for the various tests and trials during the course of the future.

As we sit in the Succa and focus on the schach we must see it as the Schechina hovering over us; Hashem Himself showering upon us His love, His attention and His constant personal care.  His in-depth knowledge of every single one of our exact needs and His constant response to them.  Because the succa is so awesomely connected to Hashem Himself it is understandable the unique holiness the succa contains which is not present by any other mitzvah.

This explains the special mitzvah of simcha also unique for the Succa, for the realization of the connection with Hashem brings the greatest joy.

Let’s all have a wonderful Yom Tov full of spiritual satiation and showered by all the blessings that come along with it, for ourselves and all Clal Yisroel.

Parshas HaaZinu — Shabbos Shuva (5763)


Parshas HaaZinu — Shabbos Shuva (5763)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

The major theme of our parsha is deriving spiritual strength and inspiration from lessons learned by observing aspects of the world. We find consistently that a chizuk, the strengthening of emuna brings a kaporas avonos (atonement of sins) with tshuva (repentance).

Following the chizuk of the Malchus Shomayim of Rosh HaShanah the first Shabbos of the year; Shabbos which is likewise a chizuk of emuna of the creation of the world by Hashem, certainly should have special attributes of atonement and certainly deserves the name of Shabbos Shuva.

Have a wonderful first Shabbos and a G’Mar Chasima Tova.