Parshas Bamidbar – erev Shavuos


Parshas Bamidbar – erev Shavuos (5772)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

It is wondrous that the pasuk expresses the counting of Bnai Yisroel (head count) when it really means shekalim as Rashi explains (1:2). The counting was a very complicated operation. On one hand the counting of individuals brought a plague and the deep secret really lies in the words of Rashi — l’gilgulosam–al yidai shekalim; the head count through shekalim. When deriving the numbers through shekalim one can simply transfer the knowledge of the number onto Klal Yisroel. However, Rashi tells us that the coins represent the head count of Klal Yisroel. The counting was an act of love of Bnai Yisroel and had to be done on the people but that could not be done; to be on the coins itself was meaningless, so it had to be done on Klal Yisroel through the coins. This was such a difficult, deep avodah, that it had to be done with Moshe Rabeinu, Aharon and the Nissiim. With this we can understand the criticism of David HaMelech that perhaps he put too much of an emphasis on Klal Yisroel.

Chag Savuos is the Rosh HaShanah for matan Torah, which means we should make ourselves worthy of being the recipients of the bracha of Torah for the whole year on Shavuos.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and a significant Chag Shavuos.

Parshas Bamidbar (5771)


Parshas Bamidbar (5771)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Rashi at the beginning of the sedra relates that Hashem, because of His love for Klal Yisroel, counts us. This is to explains the pasuk that Moshe was commanded to count. There is an obvious very deep lesson here for those that are searching. Hashem is counting and Moshe Rabeinu is counting, and it is considered as one.

As the galus darkens, standards drop in all areas of avodas Hashem. There is great freedom to do as one pleases in tznius of dress and in many other areas. There is a marvelous opportunity for those who want to be zocheh to be loyal, committed and consistent to the real ratzon Hashem.

We should be zocheh to see the geula sh’layma with the coming of Mashiach b’karov. Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Bamidbar (5770)


Parshas Bamidbar (5770)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Rashi (1:49) relates two reasons why shevet Levi were counted separately. Both we have to learn from. Firstly, they were the personal troops of the King and must be treated with reverence and special honor. Today all people who are loyal to Hashem’s Torah are the true royalty and must themselves feel this way. The second is their success in not succumbing to chet haeigel and the perverted testimony of the meraglim. These both were due to the special closeness they had to Hashem.

This is something which we should work on especially today –true closeness to Hashem, which is the key to success in everything.

Have a wonderful Shabbos, a successful Chodesh, and a fulfilling and inspiring Kabolas HaTorah.

Parshas Bamidbar (5768)


Parshas Bamidbar (5768)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Hashem demonstrates His great love for us in our parsha which is spelled out by His repeated counting of us. It brings with it an awesome responsibility to have a similar love for Klal Yisroel, as we are expected to emulate Hashem, especially when He makes an explicit demonstration.

This subject of being aware of and upgrading our love for our fellow “Yidden” is very much the theme of the present period of sefiras haomer and in preparing for kabolas haTorah.

A productive, time-tested tool of improving our Ahavas Yisroel is to concentrate for a few moments on the positive traits of an acquaintance; this may include a spouse.

Have a wonderful Shabbos, a month of bracha and hatzlacha, surrounded by wonderful people.

Parshas Bamidbar (5767)


Parshas Bamidbar (5767)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

On Shabbos we receive spiritual nourishment for all that is scheduled to transpire in the week to follow.  The fact that that we have “kabolas haTorah” this week puts a tremendous focus on the extreme significance of this Shabbos.  Practically speaking, we should keep in mind that we want to receive the special spiritual gifts for Shavuos and place special kavanos in our tefilos for success in Torah—for example Bircas HaTorah, Ahava Rabba and Berich Sh’may.  We should also make an attempt to be ‘mechadesh’ something in Torah, as the Zohar suggests we should do every Shabbos.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Bamidbar (5765)


Parshas Bamidbar (5765)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The exact placement of the encampment of Clal Yisrael was from Hashem. Each shevet was positioned according to Divine plan yet we find regarding the Korach incident the rule of “oi l’rasha oi lishchenu”—woe to the wicked and his neighbor applies to him and his followers. This, despite the fact that the close proximity was Divinely inspired and planned. The test was to overcome the negative influence and they were placed there precisely to stand up to this. We see the rule of “oi l’rasha oi lishchenu” doesn’t necessary call for evacuation as it was obviously impossible here.

We are often placed in situations and locations that are potentially spiritually not beneficial and our test is to be educated to the best of our ability to the essence of the wrongs, fallacies, depravities and idiosyncrasies in order to inoculate ourselves, our offspring, and all under our influence to be elevated and withstand the foul winds.

In the previous generation many fell and many succeeded. Let’s work and pray that we succeed in our generation.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and a good Chodesh.

Parshas Bamidbar (5764)


Parshas Bamidbar (5764)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

The Medrash 1:7 explains that the Torah was given in fire, water and the desert to teach us that just as these are readily available so too, Torah. However, we must bear in mind that because of its availability it can lose its value. Our most precious commodity is air yet it is the least appreciated because of its availability.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and a guten Chodesh.

Parshas Bamidbar (5762)


Parshas Bamidbar (5762)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

A very obvious ‘hashgacha pratis’ that our parsha, Bamidbar’ comes before the Yom Tov of Shavuos, the receiving of the Torah, can be understood from the Medrash (1:7) that the only way of acquiring Torah is if a person regards himself as if he has absolutely no rights to anything, like the desert which is void of all ownership. This has special significance to us, living in this period of comfort and relative abundance.

Another important connection of the counting of Clal Yisroel in our parsha to Matan Torah is the implication to feel a responsibility, spiritually and physically, for every individual in Clal Yisroel.

It is imperative on Shavuos to revitalize the picture of all Clal Yisroel standing at Har Sinai and all of us hearing the words from Hashem. This is a historical fact which was passed down by the multitudes of Clal Yisroel from generation to generation.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and a inspiring kabolas HaTorah.

Parshas Bamidbar (5760)


Parshas Bamidbar (5760)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The Medrash in this week’s parsha quotes the Chazal that the Torah was given in fire, in water, and in the desert to teach us that as these three are free for the taking, likewise Torah is free for the taking. This doesn’t imply that the Torah comes to us just by sitting back and relaxing. The principle is that Hashem has made it available to whomever really wants it. The analogy of the Chazal is very rich and enlightening, more than just “hits the eye”. There is an extremely important issue that comes to light. It is the formula of true values, intrinsic importance and economic financial worth. The major correlation is that there is no correlation whatsoever. What a formula! In this world we find an abundance of essential, crucial, life supporting elements yet they are very low on the economic totem pole. A most classical, critical item is air. I am referring to what we breathe, not to the protrusions on the sides of our heads that support our spectacles. I believe that it is unanimously agreed upon that it is essential yet it doesn’t have any marketing value. We can find again and again things that are essential yet without market value.

How awesome!!! Objects that are vital and crucial do not necessarily equal financial value. We must exert special effort to really evaluate and appreciate air because it is free.

Torah is free like water, available and accessible but lacking in the true perspective of the awesome value. This is very appropriate for Sefira and preparations for Shavuos to appreciate and understand the importance of Torah.

Parshas Bamidbar (Erev Shavuos) 5761


Parshas Bamidbar (Erev Shavuos) 5761

In this week’s sedra we have the designation of the formation of Klal Yisroel for their travels.  Anything at all that the Chumash mentions has tremendous significance but especially when the Torah itself places emphasis on it.  Additional significance can be reinforced by the Medrash which relates that the formation was a reflection of the order of the Shvatim that Yaakov Avinu requested when carrying his ‘aron’ to its resting place in Eretz Yisroel.

This brings us to contemplate into the significance of the four directions that Klal Yisroel was ordered to form themselves while traveling in the ‘midbar’; and the significance of the sequence of how it was presented—east, south, west and then north.

What was the significance of the various Shvatim that were designated to each direction; east-Yehuda, Yissachar and Zevulun—south—Reuven, Shimon and Gad etc.?  What was the significance of the main shevet that was chosen for each direction;  Yehuda—east—Reuven—south etc.?

The Medrash (2:10) gives some beautiful insights, however, the interpretation is still open to our own thoughts—“dig in” and I’m sure you will come up with some beautiful ideas.

Our Yom Tov of Shavuos is coming up and I would like to share the following ‘kabalas haTorah’ related thought on the degalim.  The Medrash in Shmos relates that when Paroh observed Bnei Yisroel marching in its formation, he suddenly had a tremendous insight to the specific outstanding traits that each possessed.  This Chazal gives us a hint that the formation represented various character traits, attributes and talents they possessed.  This formation says that the Torah recognizes and respects all the personality and character traits of the individual and has a place for it in the service of HaShem.

One of the greatest marvels of the Torah is that despite that it is made up of regimentation and strict unmovable, inflexible doctrines; yet Hashem with His infinite wisdom structured the Torah to have room and flexibility for each individual to find himself and exercise his creativity and his personality nuances.  Every neshama can find its personal sense of purpose and utmost feeling of accomplishment in the Torah.

This brings us to a new insight to the offer that HaShem made to all the nations of the world and their refusal.  After hearing the demands of the Torah each nation felt that the Torah did not have the flexibility to “fit in” and cater to its national characteristics.  They felt that the Torah is too rigid.  Bnei Yisroel, too, have their national traits, and so too, each shevet, and individual, yet they shouted and exclaimed “Naaseh V’nishma” .  Hashem, after all, is our Creator, and made our traits, and surely knows our traits.  We have full respect, trust, confidence and loyalty to except without any inquiries and reservations all His commandments.

A wonderful Shabbos and Yom Tov to you all.