Parshas Re’ay


Parshas Re’ay (5772)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

In dealing with the instigating of avodah zarah the pasuk 14 refers to him as a belial, he threw off the yoke of Hashem. If he is spreading idol worship of course he is belial. The secret here is that he threw off the yoke of Hashem before the avoda zara, Hashem who is so clear and so obvious and so close he pushed away and then he is open to everthing.

The pasuk 13:1 says that we are forbidden to rip our hair in mourning for a close one. It seems from the pasuk this is because Hashem is our real father. However Rashi explains the real significance is that since we are Hashem’s children we have to look like princes. We must conduct ourselves like the true children of the King of Kings.

Have a fulfilling Shabbos and fulfilling Chodesh.

Parshas Re’ay (5770)


Parshas Re’ay (5770)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

In the Chazal we find the counterpart of Rashi’s quote, that those who kofer in avoda zara are modeh to the Torah. We are surrounded by infinite issues that present avoda zara tests. Do we attribute, chas v’shalom power to the doctor, the surgeon; do we have confidence for our financial needs in our business opportunities? By relating to these many tests that surround us in the proper way we are actually being kofer in avoda zara and exclaiming our belief in Torah.

All the blessings and klolos come from spiritual sources Above and are crystallized in our material world through special connections. A special zchus of being part of Klal Yisroel is that we get the wisdom and sight of this connection which is Har Grizim and Har Avol.

In these dark times before the coming of Moshiach, Hashem enables us to see Him even to a greater degree if we look and search.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and a successful Chodesh Elul to culminate in a Shana Tova.

Parshas Re’ay (5769)


Parshas Re’ay (5769)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

It is imperative that despite the “vacation” mind-set we focus on Shabbos mevorchim of Chodesh Elul. The name of the parsha and its theme is its appropriate concept to “see”. There is so much to see; Hashem reveals |Himself so vividly and clearly for those that seek Him.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and a fulfilling, inspiring Chodesh.

Parshas Re’ay (5768)


Parshas Re’ay (5768)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Perhaps we can explain the difference between the false prophet discussed in 13:2 in our sedra who was guilty of attempting to mislead from serving Hashem and the one in pasuk 7 who is likewise guilty of the same attrocity.

The first, bases his power of persuasion on false prophesies claiming to have a connection with some “higher source” to the contrast of the latter who takes advantage of one of the most valuable Heavenly gifts of relatives; family connections or the very precious Divine blessing of the true, close, dear friend to sway one from his belief, commitment and devotion in fulfilling the will of Hashem.

This Shabbos should bring bracha to this important month to lead to a wonderful New Year,

Have wonderful Shabbos.

Parsha Re’ay (5767)


Parsha Re’ay (5767)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

Rav Miller zt”l always brought to light for us that on this Shabbos, mevorchim Rosh Chodesh Elul even in the market places of the simple laymen they shuddered at the realization of the forthcoming month of Elul. Our Rosh Hashana is a reflection of our Elul and consequently the coming year of 5768 habaah aleinu l’tova.

Re’ay; see, sensory perception, har grizim and har aival; sensory perception.

The parsha repeats what was said previously and the repetition creates sensory perception. Rav Miller always told us to attempt to picture olam haba—sensory perception.

Have a wonderful Shabbos, a wonderful Chodesh and a wonderful year.

Parshas Re’ay (5766)


Parshas Re’ay (5766)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Very appropro is parshas Re’ay for this Shabbos mevorchim which sheds its bracha on Elul, which shed its bracha on Rosh Hashana and the year of 5767 habo aleinu litova. Re’ay in its pure simplicity is the key to everything. The Medrash in our parsha (4:4) alludes to the invisible multitude of harmful creatures that constantly surround us.

Parshas Re’ay (5765)


Parshas Re’ay (5765)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

Through the auspicies of our tradition this seemingly insignificant date is the awesome significant Shabbos of mevorchim chodesh Elul. The blessings of this Shabbos influence Rosh Chodesh in our week and in turn Rosh chodesh influences the whole month which has its ultimate input on Rosh Hashonah of 5766. The Rosh Hashonah is the soul of the coming year to those that live with the true value and insight this Shabbos has the utmost meaning and criteria for our future. The parsha Re’ay shouts to us to observe what is taking place in current events, the voice of Hashem calling, shouting the responsibility and the respect of the gift of life….

Have a wonderful Shabbos.