Parshas Toldos (5772)


Parshas Toldos (5772)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

A very deep thought…Yado ochezes b’aikev Eisav. Yaakov was named because he was grasping the heel of Eisav. Yaakov’s name is his essence, named after Eisav’s body and the lower most part of his body; a dependency on Eisav.

Yaakov successfully got the brachos from Yitzchok. V’yiten l’cha….and on it we life and exist. These brachos was in essence the brachos that were really meant for Eisav. We are living on the brachos of Eisav.

The significance of all this is very deep.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and a wonderful Chodesh and we should be zocheh to receive the birchas Hashem and see Moshiach tzidkeinu.

Parshas Toldos (5771)


Parshas Toldos (5771)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

(25:25) Rashi explains that Esav’s redness of skin was his leaning towards bloodshed.  It was, however, covered up by his wool-like hair; hair which is symbolic of a façade.  This perhaps is why they did not call him Edom for his redness because it was hidden.  The hair itself represents a certain false, charismatic front which always presents a test for Klal Yisroel not to follow its tempting appeal.

Hashem should help us not to fall into this trap of disillusionment and to look up to admire true Torah greatness.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and Good Chodesh.

Parshas Toldos (5769)


Parshas Toldos (5769)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Yaakov Avinu carried out the Divinely ordained instructions of Rivka Imeinu to intercede Eisav and receive the brachos of Yitzchok insuring the critical source for the continual existence of Klal Yisroel.  The Chazal ask when did Yaakov pay back Eisav for the great anguish he endured upon the realization of his loss?

ABSOLUTELY MIND-BOGGLING!  Yaakov is fulfilling an awesome mitzvah, nevertheless, the hurt he inflicts on another human being does not go without retribution!  What is the score if the hurt inflicted is done without fulfilling a mitzvah???

Have a wonderful Shabbos and a fulfilling and redeeming Chodesh.

Parshas Toldos (5766)


Parshas Toldos (5766)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

This is the parsha of Yitzchok Avinu, the pillar of avoda, which in our generation is manifested in tefila.  One of the main aspects of prayer is obsolete today which means we are missing one of the three pillars.  Tefila is not confined to the three assigned prayers of shachris, mincha and maariv but a 24 hour access to Hashem; at any time we perceive a personal need or are aware of the needs of others, we could and must pray to Hashem.  This mentality to pray to Hashem whenever the need arises is what we are lacking today and was always very much the way of life and mentality of Clal Yisroel.  This was the main manifestation of tefila.  These prayers should be expressed in our personal words and language including the “Shem”.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and good Chodesh.

Parshas Toldos (5765)


Parshas Toldos (5765)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

There is a puzzling Chazal in our Medrash that relates that Yitzchok was called Avraham.  One explanation might be that even though Yitzchok had his unique characteristics he also had the attributes of Avraham.  How inspiring!  WE all have many attributes in our arsenal of characteristics that we have the potential to access and light up the world with.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Toldos (5762)


Parshas Toldos (5762)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

It is related in our parsha the puzzling episode of Yitzchok Avinu engaging in intimacy with his wife and being observed by Avimelelch, something which is opposed to the laws of decency and the Torah mentality.  Perhaps we can explain this with the understanding that Yitzchok Avinu was the pillar of Avoda, meaning that he was a giant in perceiving the essence of the world as a manifestation of the word of Hashem.  As the Nefesh HaChayim warns, greatness in this area can lead to a lack of being in touch with the reality of the boundaries in the creation.  For Yitzchok the intimacy was, as the Ramban relates to Adam and Chava, acts of complete holiness.  Yitzchok was partaking in “Shala Shudis” with his wife.  The lesson for us is when inspired to the idealism of holiness, not to lose sight of the sensitivity of the feelings of others and realistic requirements.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Toldos (5761)


Parshas Toldos (5761)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

In our Parsha we have the birth of Yaakov Avinu, the great light and pillar of truth.  We also have making a dramatic entrance into the world his brother Esav who symbolized and represented the exact opposite, darkness and falsehood.  It is important to understand what the significance of the account of the amount of hair Esav had when he entered this world was.  It was so relevant that it had to be mentioned in our holy Torah.  Even more puzzling is that the phenomenon was of such magnitude that it warranted to be commemorated by the name he was crowned with by the general populace.  A name has intrinsic significance since it defines the essence.  Esav’s name was a reflection of his hair, which sheds even more light on its significance and reinforces the puzzle.

There is a very interesting phenomenon that can be observed in the creation concerning hair.  Amongst its many functions we find that hair actually plays a role of deception.  The epitome of this can be seen from the aura of grandeur radiated by the majestic look of the “king” of the animal world, the male lion.  This fierce, awesome, image is created by his mane which is really false and misleading.  The truth can be seen from his female counterpart who, missing the misleading fur, looks like a simple, big cat.   Another example is the growth of hair in mankind on the face of the mature male, obviously giving an aura of fierceness.

The Medrash (63:8) relates that after the name Esav was given Hashem Himself revealed the real and true significance of the name—“HOI SHAV’—empty and false.  The deception is so misleading that we need Hashem Himself to enlighten us.

This all has special significance to us living through this last period of Galus under the auspices of Esav.  How wary we must be not to be deceived.

Their religion, the millions of devout looking Gentiles, the impressive temples of worship—how we suffered from their wickedness and false righteousness.  Their medical profession and related Institutions, supposedly imbued with a high level of an idealism of kindness to humanity….  Their educational institutions of higher learning representing supposedly the ideal of high intellect and the pursuit of wisdom….

Esav’s hairy birth appearance is truly significant; a mere newborn infant giving the false impression of a mature adult—beware!

HaShem open our eyes to see the truth always.