Parshas Vayakail – Pekudei (5772)


Parshas Vayakail-Pekudei (5772)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

Rashi points out in the first pasuk of the parshas Vayakail Moshe–that Moshe did not gather the people with any force, rather they came of their own inspiration . What a lesson–thousands of years ago when you would think a leader would use physical force, the mentality of Klal Yisroel even at that time was inspiration and self-motivation. Let’s be inspired today to serve Hashem by our own recognition of the malchus Shomayim and it will bring bracha for ourselves and all Klal Yisroel.

Parshas Vayakail (5765)


Parshas Vayakail (5765)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The Medrash states that through Betzalel, atonement for the golden calf that emerged from the fire, was brought about. An analogy is made to a doctor that was credited and praised for applying a dressing and curing a wound. His mentor claimed the right to the praise since it was his wisdom that the doctor, his student, was applying. Likewise Betzalel was praised by all for his wisdom and insight to which Hashem exclaimed that it was He who was responsible for Betzalel and his wisdom; indeed puzzling.

The chet of the ‘aigel’, how wrong it was, showed the clarity Klal Yisroel had in the importance of the need of a leader; which to a large extent we lack today.

However, what was the significance of the “aigel” which was forged by their thoughts, and why wasn’t the “para” produced instead of an aigel; the mother of the aigel, that more accurately represents the dispenser of advice and the wisdom of the leaders.

At times one turns to a leader not to seek the needed advice and guidance of the leader but just to be a follower. One feels satisfied, happy and fulfilled in the role of a follower, as we often see by those who have a leader yet don’t seek their advice when necessary. This mistake is signified in the calf; and the nose-ring which they so willingly contributed. In a nut-shell, does the person want the leader just so he can be a follower or since he is seeking advice he therefore has a leader.

The mistaken excitement over Betzalel and his wisdom was a reflection of this wrong focus on a leader, emphasizing the ‘receiver’ instead of the ‘giver’. Hashem Himself rectified this wrong conception of Betzalel and thus the atonement was realized through him.

How important it is for us to check our own motivation for seeking leaders and not to fall into this trap of being a ‘follower’ without really ‘following the leader’. In this merit may Hashem give us the leaders when we need them.