Parshas Nitzavim – Vayelech (5763)
By Mordechai Dolinsky
We are at the last lap before Rosh Hashana. The goal on Rosh Hashana is to relate to Hashem as the Sovereign King ruling over the entire universe. This in itself is a difficult task since Hashem is not tangible. Even more so, living in an era that we have no real manifestation of a true kingdom to relate to makes this seemingly impossible.
Perhaps the malchus of Hashem can be realized through the contemporary scientific discovery that all matter is just energy with no intrinsic significance. Shifting or removal of this energy can alter or remove anything and everything. This is the most realistic, actual insight and understanding of real malchus, that only Hashem’s “energy” is upholding and controlling the whole universe. This is most likely the true, inner meaning and explanation of how the pasuk that we say in Musaf Rosh Hashana in malchios “Shma Yisroel Hashem Elokainu Hashem Echad”—declares the kingdom of Hashem.
Rosh Hashana is the time everything can change and improve for the better and best. Through the medium of the shofar this is most efficiently accomplished. The sound of the tekiah is a majestic proclamation of the Kingdom of Hashem. The teruah, shvarim and shvarim-teruah are crying sounds, with which we should cry and appeal for redemption from the many tragic situations Clal Yisroel is going through.
Any “spare time” on Rosh Hashana should be used for Torah study which is our biggest zechus. Best wishes for a wonderful year in every way for all of you and all Clal Yisroel.
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