Parshas Vayikra (5762)


Parshas Vayikra (5762)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

In the beginning of the parsha Rashi brings the Chazal explaining the terminology of Vayikra as an expression of love and admiration which is used by the “malachai hashores”.   Why was this parsha which deals with sacrifices designated for this lesson?  When bringing a sacrifice one must feel like one is giving his live.  Likewise one must exert all the efforts in positive communication in all circumstances.

Remember to start now to relate to yetzias mitzrayim reading Chazal and related material.  Have a wonderful Shabbos.

Parshas Vayikra (5761)


Parshas Vayikra (5761)
By Mordechai Dolinsky

The Chazal had grounds to presume that the time of fulfillment of the mitzvah of retelling the miracles of Yetzias Mitzrayim starts from the beginning of Nissan, and it is only from a special limud that we know that the technical mitzvah is confined to the night of Pesach.  From this we can see that the two weeks prior to Pesach is also a time one can soak in the emunah.  It is therefore very beneficial to devote time every day to connect to the Yetzias Mitzrayim.  One should set aside time to study medrashim and read material on this subject.

With our parsha of VaYikra we are entering the world of korbonos.  As we find with many areas of the dinim of the Torah even though they are a “gezairas hakasuv” there are many lessons we can derive from them.  There is an aspect of the laws of the korban olah which I am amazed by that I would like to share.  We find in Mesechtas Tomid (31) the Torah prescribes a definite order of how the body of the slaughtered bull is dissected.

We start with the head – then to the four bottoms of the legs (front and back) – then to the two front forelegs – this is followed by the hind right leg – the chest – the right side – the left side – the rump – and then the hind leg.  The reason for this order surely has great significance and I will leave it presently as food for thought.

We also find an interesting order in the sequence of how the blood is circulated to the body.  The four major arteries spread out to the right side of the brain, the right hand, the left side of the brain and the left hand and to the lower part of the body and the two feet.  On the return trip the right side of the brain together with the right hand, the left side of the brain, then the left hand, and the lower part of the body including the two feet.  There is likewise some interesting significance to this.
Have a wonderful Shabbos.