Parshas Tetzaveh


Parshas Tetzaveh—Parshas Zachor (5773)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The bigdei kehuna in our parsha brings to our focus that the manner of dress is an integral part of the avodas Hashem; each of is in our specific circles, “misgeret”, where we find ourselves. We should pay attention to the dress codes as an important aspect of the avodas Hashem.

Keep in mind the importance these days of simcha which could be fulfilled by counting the various blessings that Hashem bestows upon us.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and an awesomely freilichen Purim.

Parshas Tzav – Zachor (5771)


Parshas Tzav-Zachor (5771)
by Mordechai Dolinsky

The essence of Amalek has become so clear, obvious and over powering
in the present times. “Asher Korcha”—coldness; a callousness and lack of real personal connection to all our relationships. Timche es zecher Amalek—break the barriers and connect to all our Yiddishe neshamos.